Ryan and Kianat - Young Employees Commended

This month the Staffordshire Chambers Business Awards were held. We not only had the honour of Emma Candlin winning the Employee of the Year Award, but we also had two of our youngest members of the Blue Iris Landscapes recognised and Commended.

Commended Employees

Both Ryan Frost and Kianat Basheer received a ‘Commended’ Staffordshire Chambers Business Award for the Young Employee/Apprentice of the Year category.  This award recognises young employees for their achievement and dedication to the business they work for.

Although not shortlisted as finalists, we were thrilled that both Ryan and Kianat received recognition for their achievements and hard-work at Blue Iris Landscapes.

Ryan and Kianat have been completing their training at Blue Iris Landscapes. Ryan has been at Blue Iris Landscapes for several years. In such time he has completed his Intermediate Level Apprenticeship in Horticulture in the Environmental and Land-Based Sector. Kianat has been at Blue Iris Landscapes for nearly 2 years. In which time she has completed her NVQ Level 2 in Business Administration.

We are proud to have such diligent and hardworking young employees. We have seen them develop in their time at Blue Iris Landscapes and we are excited to see their continued growth and development over the next year.