
Dividing Grasses

The easiest and most effective way to ‘propagate’ grasses is by division. Grasses can be divided in the autumn however most grass species dislike having cut surfaces exposed to winter wet and cold. For this reason, it is usually better to wait until Spring.

Climate GrassesGrasses

‘Cool-climate’ grasses are best divided just before or as they come into growth in late winter or early spring, every three years.

Cold climate grasses include: Calamagrostis, Stipa and Phalaris.

‘Warm-climate’ grasses don’t come into growth in the UK until late winter and Blue Iris Landscapes recommend they are best divided when they are in the growing season (in May).

Warm climate grasses include: Cortaderia, Imperata and Phalaris.

Blue Iris Landscapes hope this information on dividing grasses has helped so now you know when the best time is to divide your grasses. However, if you have any futher questions please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Free Phone:  0800 0937926

Head Office:  01782 396168
